Product Description
MYCO BIO PACK is a suspendable powder mycorrhizal inoculum consisting of 4 species of endomycorrhizal fungi and 7 species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Approximately 95% of the world’s plant species form symbiotic relationships with at least one of these types of symbiotic soil fungi. These beneficial fungi greatly increase the effective rooting area of plants, thereby enhancing plant growth, vigor, and tolerance of environmental extremes.
Myco Bio Pack is a concentrated, fine, suspendable material containing mycorrhizal propagules, which colonize roots and extend into the surrounding soil forming an essential link between plants and soil resources. Increasing the rooting area allows improved access to water and nutrients, promoting plant quality and crop performance.
Myco Bio Pak contains 5 specific Bacillus species that enhance plant growth, protection and soil fertility. These rhizosphere bacteria thrive in the root zone of plants. They promote healthy plant growth and improve soil fertility by decomposing soil components into soluble minerals, making them available to the plant.
Myco Bio Pack combines the mycorrhizae and the beneficial bacteria to be used as a regular maintenance program which will improve soil conditions and plant health.
5 lb case
Dilution Rate
1 lb Myco Bio Pack/ 100 gallons water.
Apply the solution at the rate of 5 gallons per inch of trunk diameter
Rhizosphere Bacteria 5 Billion cfu/lb
Bacillus pumilus 500 Million cfu/lb
Bacillus megaterium 500 Million cfu/lb
Bacillus subtilis 500 Million cfu/lb
Bacillus licheniformis 1750 Million cfu/lb
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 1750 Million cfu/lb
Mycorrhizae Fungi 55,065,000 propagules per lb. Total
Endomycorrhizal fungi 65,000 propagules per lb. Total
Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. Aggregatum, G. etunicatum 35.8 propagules/g each
Ectomycorrhizal fungi 55,000,000 propagules per lb. Total
Rhizopogon villosulus, R. luteolus, R. amylopogon, R. fulvigleba 1,375 propagules/g each
Pisolithus tinctorius 110,255 propagules/g
Scleroderma cepa, S. citrum 2,750 propagules/g each
NON PLANT FOOD INGREDIENTS: Humates at 50% per total weight