Product Description
SUPER-MICRO T&O is a liquid formulation of essential plant nutrients and micronutrients that aids in the prevention and correction of micronutrient deficiencies, especially in higher pH soils where trace elements often become unavailable to the plant.
SUPER-MICRO T&O will disperse in water with minimal agitation. It can be tank mixed with most pesticides and fertilizers except high phosphate materials. Always make a small-scale test to assure compatibility. Follow the mixing sequence: 1. Water; 2. SUPER-MICRO T&O; 3. Other fertilizer; 4.Pesticide. Use of a non-ionic surfactant is recommended for optimal leaf absorption.
Turf (Fairways, Greens and Tees): Apply 2-6 fluid oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. or 3-6 quarts per acre in enough water to cover.
Trees and Ornamentals: Apply 4-6 quarts per 100 gallons of water as a foliar spray or drench as necessary. Use sufficient water for good coverage.
Tree Deep Root Injection: Apply 32 oz. per 100 gallons at 5 gallons per inch DBH for maintenance and 64 oz. per 100 gallons for severe deficiencies.