Product Description
Product Description
Main Event Dry Manganese. 100% Chelated Micro-nutrients are specially formulated to correct nutrient deficiencies in soil and plant tissue.
10%Mn 8%S 2%Fe 1%Mg 0.5%Zn.
Non-staining Micro-nutrients.
Rate: 3 to 9 lb/100 gallons water. Small dose rate suggestion 1.1-3.3 oz Main event in 1-5 gallons of water drenched on base of tree
Main Event Dry Manganese is specifically formulated for the management of all turfgrass, horticulture and arborculture plants. The products contain nutrients that have been proven to aid and assist in the maintaining of color and growth of all turfgrass and horticulture cultivars and growth of soil "VAM", Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrihiza. The products also contain both soil and foliar penetrating surfactant systems to enhance plant uptake and bilateral movement in the soil profile.